BubbleologismThis is the real secret of life: to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realise it is play.
The present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it persists for ever. In looking out upon the world, we are the universe looking back at itself... |
We all stand on the shoulders of giants
The Bubble Formula
Our house preparation
🧼 MIX 1 tablespoon of Guar Gum WITH 90 ml of Glycerine INTO A SMOOTH PASTE GENTLY ADD 200 ml of Fairy Original DILUTE WITH 5 litres of spring water FINISH WITH 0.5 tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate GENTLY STIR... Dip and blow*
The Boss Zen school of Bubbleology and the Bubble Man currently perform exclusively as part of the Once Upon a Bus storytelling project's fabulous and magical events and packages for schools, subject to availability.
For booking enquiries visit:
For booking enquiries visit:
“The source of all light is in the eye”
In association with Monkey Island Radio